First Purpose Built Indigenous Hub

As the first purpose-built Indigenous Hub dedicated to the Aboriginal people of Toronto, this five-building development draws from traditional architectural and design influences to foster a lasting spirit of diversity and inclusivity.

Building a dynamic community
Combining essential health and education facilities, with a five-storey employment and training agency, retail offerings, and two mixed-use condo and rental apartment buildings, every detail of this master-planned development is designed to create a thriving centre of community for the city’s Indigenous people.

Supporting Indigenous wellness
Striving to build a bright and healthy future for Toronto’s aboriginal population, we worked alongside Anishnawbe Health Toronto to create the Indigenous Health Centre – a space dedicated to both Indigenous and Western approaches to health and healing, complemented by engaging social and cultural outreach programs.

Courageous collaboration
Through a dynamic partnership with renowned architecture firms Quadrangle, Stantec and Two Row, we have united a wide range of industry-leading experience to build a community with real purpose – creating five unique buildings that each work in harmony to bring meaning and a great sense of pride to Toronto’s Indigenous population.

Bring on bold ideas
We’re not afraid to think big, invest early or take the path less travelled. Our innovative investments are transforming urban life in smarter, better ways.

Building better communities
From sustainable building practices and community engagement to ethical corporate governance, we aim to make a positive impact wherever we operate.